Besides filming for the documentary and support I also worked simultaneously on vlogs. During the 30 days of the expedition I handled footage and edited 17 vlogs, so that's an average of more that 1 vlog each 2 days. A selection:
Do you have an idea for a documentary? Let’s talk about it over coffee!
This 52 minute documentary follows the Plastic Soup Surfer as he fights plastic pollution through clever campaigns. In 2017 he paddled down the entire river Rhine in 28 days, on a surfboard made from plastic litter. As documentary maker I was part of the expedition team. The film premiered in Pathe cinema and was broadcasted several times by National Geographic. It was also screened in over 30 cinema’s, ranging from small film houses to filmfestivals. Several scenes of the film were also used for the ARTE documentary ‘Plastic Uberall’.
ClientPlastic Soup SurferYear2017 - 2018Linkwww.plasticsoupsurfer.org